In this first blog post from Tools2Think we will explain the objectives and content of a workshop facilitated with Lego® Serious Play® with very satisfactory results.
The participants in the workshop were responsible for different restaurants belonging to a franchise in the restaurant industry.
The aim of the workshop was to identify opportunities for improvement in the operations of restaurants and to define drivers of growth based on the professional experience of the participants.
The participants began by developing models of their individual professional identities. They added models to represent how they relate to third parties in their jobs. They then built models of agents that might have an impact on their work and positioned them alongside their own professional identity models. They built models to represent “teamlife” and a system with all the elaborate models was built. This resulting model was put under stress and improvement opportunities were identified for the general functioning of the franchises and the increasing of revenues.
The workshop lasted 8 hours, with breaks for lunch and rest. The participants were very satisfied with the results, given the depth at which they had come up with their reflections.